This one's for all the Dottie fans out there! Life just hasn't been the same since out little friend went back to her home. We did visit her (umm, and her humans and furry roommate, Jerry) for New Year's Eve! I think we made it a bit distracting for everyone else since Wonder Husband and I each wanted to hold or pat Dottie and Dottie just wanted, well, we're not sure - but something that made her bark and howl! I'm pretty sure she wanted to go outlet shopping again. But that is another story that I will tell you later!
Here are some of Dottie's adventures (and snoozes):
relaxing; visiting the new house; chasing squirrels in the snow; couch nap; being dignified in the window chair; looking homesick in the window chair; helping Wonder Husband drive ("Yes, officer, she is fully licensed"); relegated to the back seat (early on in the ride).
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