I'm serious. We are fairly sure it is....somewhere.
So, the lack of photos. I do have some from the borrowed camera de Brother, so I will post some random ones:
The INSTALLED window in the master bedroom!
The new skylight over the stairs!!!
The better-now fireplace - the bricks were SO damaged so Miguel "parged" it. I don't know what that means, but John the Builder showed me a sample and I liked it. It will be covered by the original (!) mantel and some reproduction Victorian tile anyway!
Bonus snuggly dachshund shots from their visit last month.
To be honest, most of the other house pictures are just the wall studs from different angles! I do need to find the exciting ones of Max busting out the brick wall to install basement windows!
I will also tell you about http://www.everyfaucet.com/. Guess what they carry????
Did you guess? Every faucet. I am not kidding! How did I only stumble upon them yesterday? I can't believe it. They also sell, for many sets, the shower handle, shower head, and tub spout separately! So you can really mix it up! Wonder Husband was concerned when I told him this wonderful fact. He has learned, as Super Dad and Miracle Mom learned years ago, that when it comes to options, it is best to limit my choices. As I must see them all.
Anyway, I can't remember what I was searching for, oh, ADA compliant bathroom sink faucets and I found http://www.everyfaucet.com/ and ordered up the faucet and shower set for the hall/guest/future kiddo-roonies and basement/apartment bathrooms! For better prices than I had seen elsewhere. Last night.
And I JUST got an e-mail telling me it had all been shipped! Yippee!
(ADA compliant search: Wonder Husband suggested that lever handles rather than fabulous, metal, cross handles would be easier for kiddo-roonies or visiting old people (that's what he said!) so I had to find fabulous lever handles.)
I also did another http://www.overstock.com/ order for the apartment kitchen sink faucet. We received the main kitchen sink from http://www.overstock.com/ and then the wonderful Archer pedestal sink (on sale with free shipping from Home Depot)!! Plus the master bath faucet from Signature Hardware (nice people in Kentucky!).
Needless to say, between boxes being delivered and boxes we are packing to move, the current apartment looks like a box factory. John the Builder is coming Friday to pick up the new stuff and move it off-site.
Anyway, great progress at the house with drywall up and hardwood floors partially installed.
That reminds me, I need to e-mail John the Builder about paint and order my dreamy light fixtures from http://www.rejuvenation.com/ (and some from e-bay to balance the budget).
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